Saturday, July 19, 2008

we're finally getting settled in....

hey there everyone......(like very many people actually read this)......anyway, we are finally getting settled into our new house. We've decided we really like it and the neighborhood we live in. I can't wait until Christmas because I bet it's decorated up to the hilt! I won't have to go far to look at Christmas lights! It's an older neighborhood and its very well kept. I really like just driving down the streets and seeing the houses.

Jn is getting settled in at school, which is good. He's been quite busy with testing new students and then trying to sort thru the mountains of stuff his predecessor had from many years back. She was a pack rat and kept everything! Anyhow, we're trying to get him fixed up and his office decorated because then I can take my stuff and get settled into my room. It's smaller than a regular classroom because I'll see students on a one-on-one basis, like I do with tutoring. But its right next to the cafeteria. So far, Jn and I are both impressed that Sherwood has its stuff together......things like because we both get 50% off at church day camp, JEB goes for free.....we each got a laptop to use, lunches are free for teachers.....just little stuff like that. Cool huh??

Well not much else, just busy running to the store for other little things we decide we want to help make things more organized. I'll ck in later!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I have my own computer!

well, I'm finally back to normal....I now have my own school computer. YEA!! I've never had a laptop before.....I must say it's sort of cool.

Well, JEB will start day camp at our church on Thursday....yippee! He so misses playing and stuff with other kids....the major downfall to having only one child. We found out that because both of us work at the school, we each get a 50% discount which brings it to ZERO dollars! YAY! So we (I) am going to take advantage of that over the next couple of weeks and take him to daycare so he can have some social contacts and get some of his energy out! I still have to register him for school (FRI) but he can get used to going to something organized again.

Slowly getting things unpacked and getting the pics on the walls, which makes it feel more like home. Jn is getting used to things in his office, we will decorate it one day next week when JEB is at daycamp.

Thanks for the prayers while we moved, now if I can adjust to Eastern Time Zone....way weird!

love ya all,

Friday, July 11, 2008

we finally have internet!

Hey everyone....Mackenzie....who actually read my blog. We finally are connected to the internet! I feel semi-normal again! We are getting settled into our GA house...I'm actually down to putting books on bookshelves and pictures on the walls, so I guess that means we're unpacked. We had to go to Bham the last two days for a social security thing for JEB from when we were unemployed three years ago and coming back into GA made me feel good to be home. Jn is settling into his job....moving into his office and reconfiguring it and stuff. JEB will get registered at daycare and school this week, so I will start taking him to daycare maybe three days a week, so he'll have some "kid" contact and get ready to have a routine again. At our new school, teachers start Aug. 1st and school begins Aug. 8th. JEB's school begins Aug. 6th, so its not too long before he starts school.

All else is going well. I'll write more later!

lovve to everyone!