Friday, September 12, 2008

I win an award!

Thank you.....thank you.....thank you! I don't know where to start. This award means so much to me......I'm so amazed that anyone would read my ramblings.

1. Where is your cell phone? on the desk in front of me...just txtd someone
2. Where is your significant other? at a school football game
3. Your hair color? gray covered...light golden brown
4. Your mother? in heaven with Jesus
5. Your father? Heaven, I hope
6. Your favorite thing? Family...and my birthday, of course!
7. Your dream last night? I don't remember
8. Your dream/goal? Start our own Christian school
9. The room you're in? front room/office/dining room
10. Your hobby? scrapbooking/reading
11. Your fear? something happening to my little boy
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Wherever God wants me to be!
13. Where were you last night? Home sleeping in my chair
14. What you're not? rich (in money) but very wealthy in love/life/family/friends
15. One of your wish-list items? a swimming pool
16. Where you grew up? Iowa
17. The last thing you did? fixed dinner
18. What are you wearing? comfy clothes
19. Your TV? Direct
20. Your pet(s)? none at this time...miss my ferrets
21. Your computer? 4 yrs. old
22. Your mood?'s Friday night!
23. Missing someone? my grandma...Marnie
24. Your car? a KIA Sorento SUV
25. Something you're not wearing? you may not want to know....
26. Favorite store? Kohl's/Belk's.......Wal-Mart!
27. Your summer? not over yet....
28. Love someone? YES
29. Your favorite color? Red/Orange/yellow...sunset colors
30. When is the last time you laughed? this afternoon
31. Last time you cried? the other night watching tv

I choose......Sarah Gaalswyk to give this award too!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I know, I know.......

Hey everyone!

Sorry, but life has been hectic these last weeks. I'm getting settled into my new job and it's much paperwork and keeping track of kids schedules/tests/quizzes and figuring out how to help them study whatever they need for any particular day and then going back and forth between the HS and the Elementary campuses. Whew! I'm tired just talking about it! Plus, we have interoffice emails with Outlook and some days all I do is email other teachers about lesson plans and tests/quizzes for any given student, so when I get home at night, I don't even turn the computer on!

All is well here. Football and volleyball season are in full swing and we are loving it!

I promise, I'll keep up better!