Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hey there everyone.....

Well, its been a week.......JEB lost his first tooth yesterday!! What a big boy he is now!! His next one isn't far behind either! So now he has a little hole in the bottom row of teeth! What a cutie!

He's also been sick all week....John stayed home with him M-T-W and I'm staying home today. He's just got all of that "crud" in his chest....coughing.....sounds horrible......not sleeping well....which means we aren't sleeping well......and I think tomorrow he will go to school with us and then let him have the whole wkend to get totally better!

AND......we are still somewhat concerned about the job situation/enrollment/budget at the school where we teach. The new principal did say that he was looking into other options for how to come up with the $$ needed....fundraisers, etc. So any of you who were praying.....keep it up!

Not much really going on....vball of course. John's team is now 21-7, which is the best Parkway has ever done in vball!!

Gotta go get some grading done....



Me said...

Hey Debbie!!! Congrats on your first tooth JEB!!

GO JEB!! GO JEB!! Maddie is about to loose her two, top, front teeth. She is excited about the toothfairy, not so much on the pulling-the-teeth-out part! :)

God Bless,

Me said...

Debbie! It's time for a new BM!!!!