Friday, September 5, 2008

I know, I know.......

Hey everyone!

Sorry, but life has been hectic these last weeks. I'm getting settled into my new job and it's much paperwork and keeping track of kids schedules/tests/quizzes and figuring out how to help them study whatever they need for any particular day and then going back and forth between the HS and the Elementary campuses. Whew! I'm tired just talking about it! Plus, we have interoffice emails with Outlook and some days all I do is email other teachers about lesson plans and tests/quizzes for any given student, so when I get home at night, I don't even turn the computer on!

All is well here. Football and volleyball season are in full swing and we are loving it!

I promise, I'll keep up better!

1 comment:

June Cleaver in Sneakers said...

Hey Deb,

I have given you the I Love Your Blog Award! You can pick it up on my blog. Just copy and paste the questions and the award and put it on your blog!

love you,
