Monday, November 3, 2008

I hate time change....

You know, what is with Daylight Savings time anyway???? Who came up with that one? No my "older' body must get used to a different sleeping schedule, which we all know totally messes you up. Then comes the child getting up at 5 AM, my only alone time in the house, but the good part here is that he will fall asleep right after dinner, if not sooner, like on the way home from school in the afternoon! Oh well, guess I just have to go along.....

For any of you who will read this today, I really want to ask for prayer for a friend of mine, we'll call 'JDB'. She is currently contemplating divorce from her husband of 5 yrs. Now, let me set the stage a little......her and her hubby, 'W', had been friends for several years and after a break up seemed to be hanging out with one another alot and one thing led to another and they ended up having to get married, due to the impending birth of 'L'. The thing is this, after being around my new church, which by the way, put out the movie 'FIREPROOF', which is all about restoring a broken marriage, I really feel led by the LORD to pray for healing in both JDB and W. It will take the mighty had of God to heal them both, from what she has told me. They both have their issues but you know, I am a product of a split family and know what its like. PRAISE GOD, my brother and I had my wonderful grandparents to raise us, while we still have our scars from it all, we have become productive adults due to their wonderful, godly raising. I know that GOD can heal their issues in this marriage, and I am praying for GOD to reach down to their souls and give them an unquivocal desire for no one but each other and a restlessness in their souls that only each other could fill. Please pray with me, fellow servants of GOD, that they will both be willing to listen to his calling in their hearts. I know that things have happened that will take some time to heal and deal with, but for the sake of 'L', who is only 2 1/2, they need to let God heal them, so they can have a wonderful life together. I know it wasnt started under the best of circumstances, but you know, GOD allowed it all to happen for a divine reason.



junglemama said...

Hmmm, did they watch the movie? I think all you can do is pray for them. You are a good friend for doing so.

junglemama said...

BTW, I love the extra hour of sleep!