Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ok, so how many of you really stay up and watch the countdown to the New Year??? I remember doing it when I was a teenager and when I was on my own, I think simply because I didn't have a life or anything else to do on New Year's Eve.

Although, I do remember going to church and having a party....playing games and such, then having a service like from 11pm til midnight and praying in the new year. Not a bad way to start off, huh???? I think now they really only do stuff for the youth, but I always did enjoy that prayer service. Then we'd watch movies all the rest of the night and have breakfast at church in the morning. It really was quite fun.

Well, I hope all of you reading have a wonderful New Year's Eve.....or whats left of it and my prayer is that you seek God's will for whatever He has in store for you in this new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well, we're home!


We actually got back on Friday and not Saturday as we had planned. Which was nice because it's always nice to be home after being gone for a couple of days.

We had a great time visiting with PaPa and Grandma Sue and Auntie Debra. Christmas was good....JEB got a haul you can't even imagine!! We also got to see my sister/hubby and kids on Christmas Eve, which was quite nice! They live 2 hrs. north of where my father-in-law lives and it was nice that they could drive down for dinner!

I have to say that staying in a hotel on Christmas Eve and waking up there Christmas morning with no tree or anything Christmasy was kind of odd, but ok. But I was glad to get home. We also had a chance to have lunch with all of his vball girls from Pkway, the school we were at for three years, which was a very nice way to end our visit home.

We had our Christmas on Saturday morning and JEB enjoyed opening all of the presents, especially the ones that were NOT his!! He really didn't care WHAT was in the package, he just wanted to rip off the paper!

Also, just wanted to ask those of you who read this to pray for a couple of people for me today.....if you click the link on my sidebar to MckMama's website, you will be able to read about her infant, Stellan, who survived a pre-birth heart condition and came out whole and well, PRAISE GOD, but is now at 8 wks old is fighting RSV and is in very serious condition. Please pray that GOD will heal his little body and that he would get well.

Another prayer request is for our school football coach, ROCK, who is battling two types of blood cancer and will at the end of January, be going for a stem cell transplant in Atlanta. At the moment, he is battling the flu, but his kidneys are not doing well either. Pray for GOD to heal his kidneys so that this transplant will go on as planned. Pray for his family as well. He has three older children, but a teenage son and a pre-teen daughter at our school. This will be a long journey for them.

As for me, I'm going to continue to enjoy my week off and do all the little things around the house that I don't have the time or the energy to do on a regular basis.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Happy Birthday to me! xx Happy Birthday to me! xx Happy Birthday, happy birthday,
Happy Birthday to me!! xx

Well, it's here and I'm definitely going to make the most of MY day!!! My sweet hubby had a card and a certificate made for me waiting on the kitchen counter.......too cute!! Now, we will go shopping and have a wonderful day!!

Hope everyone has a great holiday and Christmas week. We are off to Alabama till Saturday, but I hope all of you have a great week.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

only 4 more days...........

Can you even believe that in one week, it's Christmas/????? This has been an interesting season for me....I really don't want anything. Usually, there is one or two of something that I really want, but this year.....nothing really is striking my fancy. I mean, what could you want besides.........
my health, my wonderful husband and son, a house to live in, a car to drive, a good job, to be in decent shape financially, food to eat, and a loving Savior.???? What else could I possibly want in this world?????

Thank you Jesus for coming to earth just to save ME! Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to die in my place on that cross. Thank you Jesus for being in TOTAL control of every aspect of my life. Thank you for letting me be one year older.......even if it is closer to 50 than 40.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8 days and counting........

well my friends, it's almost here.....only 8 more days till my birthday and I turn 48. Is it profound??? Nope.....just that I'm older, and sooooo not in shape, and joints hurt and my hair is way grayer than it should be (but then, that's why they invented Clairol Nice and Easy, huh?).

This is my baking goodies weekend so I can't talk long because I have pecan pie muffins in the oven......yummmmy! I spend one weekend baking stuff to take to school and as gifts to JEB's teachers and others at our school. One day maybe I'll post some of the recipes I use. I enjoy it, but I really can't wait until JEB can help me one year.

Maybe I'll take some pics and post them so you can have a picture to go with the recipe. Anyway, enjoy your day of rest and remember why we celebrate this wonderful holiday!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

only 13 more days......

the countdown continues.....only 13 more days! I'll be 48, almost a half century.....I don't feel that old though. You know, how when you're a kid and you have this picture in your mind of what a certain age is like? Then you actually get there and you think, 'Man, I don't feel like that....or I don't feel like I'm 30 or 40 or whatever age you are. When I pictured 50, I think of someone who has a nice house, white fence, big yard, van or bigger car, kids in college......yeah, you get the picture. I guess I have some of it......only just a little 8 yr. old, a house, no fence, and an SUV. Ok, well almost.

When I was a teenager, everyone always thought I was 13 or 14 and it used to make me irritated that no one thought I was 18 or 19. Now, I'm glad someone thinks I'm 35.......I knew it would come in handy someday!

Anyway, I hope everyone has fun over these next couple of weeks shopping and preparing for the holidays. Love to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Can you believe it's almost Christmas????

Only 19 more days till Christmas......and I must admit, I'm sort of ready. I have the trees up and decorated and enough wrapping paper to wrap an RV, and a few gifts. We really don't have many to buy for, which is nice, but it doesn't make for too many gifts around the tree. Plus, I've found as nieces/nephews get older, it's way easier to just give them $$ or gift cards because then they can go get something they really want instead of enduring a gift they look at crosseyed and put it in their closet to someday fall out with the baskets full of other junk they didn't really want.

Plus, online shopping is a great new tool. You pick it out, pay for it and have it shipped to their house all wrapped up and you didn't have to do very much to get it! I'm all for that! While I love shopping, by the time we go - midDecember- its a mad house! Things have been picked over and pushed around and half the time, you can't find what you really wanted anyway.

We went to a Christmas candlelight dinner at our church last night and it was quite enjoyable. A small band from TN came to play the music, while our singers from church sang the songs. Dinner was great - prime rib - and the company was good. It really sort of helped get me in the Christmas spirit. Driving home and seeing lights out and houses favorite part.

But then I must remember the reason we celebrate this special day.....the birth of our LORD. I'm sure it was just an ordinary day for Mary and Joseph. Traveling to where they were to taxed and counted for the census. I'm certain it wasn't a trip that brought comfort. CAN you even imagine, being 9 months pregnant and riding anywhere on a donkey???? Comfortable, I don't think so! But what an awesome gift she received!! Thank you JESUS for coming to us as a baby in that manger and give us all something spectacular to celebrate!!

Have fun shopping!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

only 19 more days.......

ok, only 19 more days till my bday!!! I will enjoy trying to teach JEB about singing Happy Birthday. He gets that for a cake or cupcakes, it's your birthday, but of course, he doesn't understand what that is.

School was good today. Average really. Just trying to get thru these couple of weeks till finals. I think I'm ready to be done and have that 2 week break.

Plus, I've been putting together my baking list and its making me ready to do all of my Christmas baking. AND.....driving thru the neighborhood tonight I enjoyed seeing several trees thru windows and several houses all lit up!!! This is SO my favorite time of year!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Only 21 days till my birthday.....

Just had to keep up the count, you know, even if it's to make me feel better.

Had a good day at school today. Monday's are the day where I sort thru teacher lesson plans and see what quizzes/tests my students will have for the upcoming week and see which teachers I need to touch base with about said tests/quizzes. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. The good thing is, it keeps me from snacking too much. I don't have time!

How much Christmas shopping do YOU have done????