Sunday, December 14, 2008

8 days and counting........

well my friends, it's almost here.....only 8 more days till my birthday and I turn 48. Is it profound??? Nope.....just that I'm older, and sooooo not in shape, and joints hurt and my hair is way grayer than it should be (but then, that's why they invented Clairol Nice and Easy, huh?).

This is my baking goodies weekend so I can't talk long because I have pecan pie muffins in the oven......yummmmy! I spend one weekend baking stuff to take to school and as gifts to JEB's teachers and others at our school. One day maybe I'll post some of the recipes I use. I enjoy it, but I really can't wait until JEB can help me one year.

Maybe I'll take some pics and post them so you can have a picture to go with the recipe. Anyway, enjoy your day of rest and remember why we celebrate this wonderful holiday!!


Me said...

Those muffins sound sooo super good!!

June Cleaver in Sneakers said...

Post the recipes, already! I need them!!