Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ok, so how many of you really stay up and watch the countdown to the New Year??? I remember doing it when I was a teenager and when I was on my own, I think simply because I didn't have a life or anything else to do on New Year's Eve.

Although, I do remember going to church and having a party....playing games and such, then having a service like from 11pm til midnight and praying in the new year. Not a bad way to start off, huh???? I think now they really only do stuff for the youth, but I always did enjoy that prayer service. Then we'd watch movies all the rest of the night and have breakfast at church in the morning. It really was quite fun.

Well, I hope all of you reading have a wonderful New Year's Eve.....or whats left of it and my prayer is that you seek God's will for whatever He has in store for you in this new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well, we're home!


We actually got back on Friday and not Saturday as we had planned. Which was nice because it's always nice to be home after being gone for a couple of days.

We had a great time visiting with PaPa and Grandma Sue and Auntie Debra. Christmas was good....JEB got a haul you can't even imagine!! We also got to see my sister/hubby and kids on Christmas Eve, which was quite nice! They live 2 hrs. north of where my father-in-law lives and it was nice that they could drive down for dinner!

I have to say that staying in a hotel on Christmas Eve and waking up there Christmas morning with no tree or anything Christmasy was kind of odd, but ok. But I was glad to get home. We also had a chance to have lunch with all of his vball girls from Pkway, the school we were at for three years, which was a very nice way to end our visit home.

We had our Christmas on Saturday morning and JEB enjoyed opening all of the presents, especially the ones that were NOT his!! He really didn't care WHAT was in the package, he just wanted to rip off the paper!

Also, just wanted to ask those of you who read this to pray for a couple of people for me today.....if you click the link on my sidebar to MckMama's website, you will be able to read about her infant, Stellan, who survived a pre-birth heart condition and came out whole and well, PRAISE GOD, but is now at 8 wks old is fighting RSV and is in very serious condition. Please pray that GOD will heal his little body and that he would get well.

Another prayer request is for our school football coach, ROCK, who is battling two types of blood cancer and will at the end of January, be going for a stem cell transplant in Atlanta. At the moment, he is battling the flu, but his kidneys are not doing well either. Pray for GOD to heal his kidneys so that this transplant will go on as planned. Pray for his family as well. He has three older children, but a teenage son and a pre-teen daughter at our school. This will be a long journey for them.

As for me, I'm going to continue to enjoy my week off and do all the little things around the house that I don't have the time or the energy to do on a regular basis.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Happy Birthday to me! xx Happy Birthday to me! xx Happy Birthday, happy birthday,
Happy Birthday to me!! xx

Well, it's here and I'm definitely going to make the most of MY day!!! My sweet hubby had a card and a certificate made for me waiting on the kitchen counter.......too cute!! Now, we will go shopping and have a wonderful day!!

Hope everyone has a great holiday and Christmas week. We are off to Alabama till Saturday, but I hope all of you have a great week.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

only 4 more days...........

Can you even believe that in one week, it's Christmas/????? This has been an interesting season for me....I really don't want anything. Usually, there is one or two of something that I really want, but this year.....nothing really is striking my fancy. I mean, what could you want besides.........
my health, my wonderful husband and son, a house to live in, a car to drive, a good job, to be in decent shape financially, food to eat, and a loving Savior.???? What else could I possibly want in this world?????

Thank you Jesus for coming to earth just to save ME! Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to die in my place on that cross. Thank you Jesus for being in TOTAL control of every aspect of my life. Thank you for letting me be one year older.......even if it is closer to 50 than 40.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8 days and counting........

well my friends, it's almost here.....only 8 more days till my birthday and I turn 48. Is it profound??? Nope.....just that I'm older, and sooooo not in shape, and joints hurt and my hair is way grayer than it should be (but then, that's why they invented Clairol Nice and Easy, huh?).

This is my baking goodies weekend so I can't talk long because I have pecan pie muffins in the oven......yummmmy! I spend one weekend baking stuff to take to school and as gifts to JEB's teachers and others at our school. One day maybe I'll post some of the recipes I use. I enjoy it, but I really can't wait until JEB can help me one year.

Maybe I'll take some pics and post them so you can have a picture to go with the recipe. Anyway, enjoy your day of rest and remember why we celebrate this wonderful holiday!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

only 13 more days......

the countdown continues.....only 13 more days! I'll be 48, almost a half century.....I don't feel that old though. You know, how when you're a kid and you have this picture in your mind of what a certain age is like? Then you actually get there and you think, 'Man, I don't feel like that....or I don't feel like I'm 30 or 40 or whatever age you are. When I pictured 50, I think of someone who has a nice house, white fence, big yard, van or bigger car, kids in college......yeah, you get the picture. I guess I have some of it......only just a little 8 yr. old, a house, no fence, and an SUV. Ok, well almost.

When I was a teenager, everyone always thought I was 13 or 14 and it used to make me irritated that no one thought I was 18 or 19. Now, I'm glad someone thinks I'm 35.......I knew it would come in handy someday!

Anyway, I hope everyone has fun over these next couple of weeks shopping and preparing for the holidays. Love to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Can you believe it's almost Christmas????

Only 19 more days till Christmas......and I must admit, I'm sort of ready. I have the trees up and decorated and enough wrapping paper to wrap an RV, and a few gifts. We really don't have many to buy for, which is nice, but it doesn't make for too many gifts around the tree. Plus, I've found as nieces/nephews get older, it's way easier to just give them $$ or gift cards because then they can go get something they really want instead of enduring a gift they look at crosseyed and put it in their closet to someday fall out with the baskets full of other junk they didn't really want.

Plus, online shopping is a great new tool. You pick it out, pay for it and have it shipped to their house all wrapped up and you didn't have to do very much to get it! I'm all for that! While I love shopping, by the time we go - midDecember- its a mad house! Things have been picked over and pushed around and half the time, you can't find what you really wanted anyway.

We went to a Christmas candlelight dinner at our church last night and it was quite enjoyable. A small band from TN came to play the music, while our singers from church sang the songs. Dinner was great - prime rib - and the company was good. It really sort of helped get me in the Christmas spirit. Driving home and seeing lights out and houses favorite part.

But then I must remember the reason we celebrate this special day.....the birth of our LORD. I'm sure it was just an ordinary day for Mary and Joseph. Traveling to where they were to taxed and counted for the census. I'm certain it wasn't a trip that brought comfort. CAN you even imagine, being 9 months pregnant and riding anywhere on a donkey???? Comfortable, I don't think so! But what an awesome gift she received!! Thank you JESUS for coming to us as a baby in that manger and give us all something spectacular to celebrate!!

Have fun shopping!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

only 19 more days.......

ok, only 19 more days till my bday!!! I will enjoy trying to teach JEB about singing Happy Birthday. He gets that for a cake or cupcakes, it's your birthday, but of course, he doesn't understand what that is.

School was good today. Average really. Just trying to get thru these couple of weeks till finals. I think I'm ready to be done and have that 2 week break.

Plus, I've been putting together my baking list and its making me ready to do all of my Christmas baking. AND.....driving thru the neighborhood tonight I enjoyed seeing several trees thru windows and several houses all lit up!!! This is SO my favorite time of year!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Only 21 days till my birthday.....

Just had to keep up the count, you know, even if it's to make me feel better.

Had a good day at school today. Monday's are the day where I sort thru teacher lesson plans and see what quizzes/tests my students will have for the upcoming week and see which teachers I need to touch base with about said tests/quizzes. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. The good thing is, it keeps me from snacking too much. I don't have time!

How much Christmas shopping do YOU have done????

Sunday, November 30, 2008

back to the grind....

Well, its back to work tomorrow......actually, its not too bad of a thing. Both Jn and I are bored and are looking forward to getting back to our routine. JEB definitely is looking forward to school and seeing his little friends. At least during Christmas break, he'll go to the church's daycare for the second week every day and play, play, play!!! He'll love it!! Plus, it'll get out his energy and give him something to do each day and not drive his mommy and daddy CRAZY!!!

It was a nice few days off.....the best part about being a teacher is the days off each year! But I love what I'm doing, so its not a chore to be there every day!!

Plus, I can now officially start my birthday countdown........22 days till my birthday!!! I'm so excited!! I love my birthday!! My grandma used to make it so special! She'd bake me a cake....whatever I wanted and would cook my favorite meal. As I got older, I used to have my BFF over to spend the night and we'd celebrate Christmas. It was always fun. My brother used to be so excited about me opening my gift from him.....sometimes he couldn't stand it and would help me open it! He was so funny!

Now, I will count down and then on the morning of, sing Happy Birthday to Me. I can't wait until I can teach JEB to sing to his momma!!

So, everyone have a great Monday and don't work too hard!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's IRON BOWL day.....

Now, to those of you NOT from ALABAMA the Iron Bowl will mean absolutely nothing to you....because to those of us from ALABAMA, we know that the Saturday after Thanksgiving is when Auburn plays ALABAMA. This is the biggest rivalry in the state of Alabama. Jn actually told me this next tidbit when we got married....he said that I would have to declare my intended school when I became legal in AL. He also told me that when a child is born, that as a parent you must declare which school your child would pull for in the Iron Bowl. You laugh, but it is soooooo true. All over the state of AL. today households are preparing for the big fight this afternoon.

Alabama may be #1 in the college football nation and the only undefeated team left in the top 25, but today anything goes. Auburn has won for the past 6 years, people. SIX YEARS!!! It is time for Saban's boys to bring it to the field and show Auburn whose boss and that we belong in the top spot!! ROLL TIDE ROLL is all I have to say!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving......everyone! Before I get started with all of my cooking and baking for the day, I just wanted to take a moment and say that.....and kind of start a list of things I'm thankful for....

I'm THANKFUL for.......
GOD being in control of every little detail of our lives, because that's one thing I
don't have to worry about or lose sleep over

being here in Albany, GA because it's exactly where GOD put us

that all of us are relatively healthy and happy

that we can celebrate our freedom in an amazing country

that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again the third day, just like the
prophets said he would

Keep the list going and tell me what you're thankful for......

Have a wonderful day with all of your families.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, are you cooking yet????? Have you baked your pies???? I haven't yet.....I will though. I sort of cheated though and bought a pumpkin pie from Publix......John's pecan pie, I will probably make. Well, maybe. I went shopping yesterday, since we had a half day of school, I took advantage of the afternoon. Although, it seems many others had the same idea. Publix was PACKED. While I say this, it was nice to see ALL the lanes lit up and a check out person at each and every station. There wasn't a line more than two deep! You'd NEVER see that at Wal-Mart or K-Mart!!! Target was horrendous!!! Only one checker!!! 10 people in line waiting! BAD!!

I am ahead of the curve a little bit since my Christmas decorations are up......more or less. I still need to put the mini ornaments on my ALABAMA tree in the den, and find my wreaths/door ornamentation, but for the most part, I'm ready for Christmas!!! I tried to convince Jn to hang outdoor lights but it was a NO GO. Oh well, I'll keep trying. I'm all ready to go look at others though.

And you know, the sad part about today is this.......I'm bored already. I'll scrap and I'm trying to convince John to take JEB to a movie....his first at a theater.......just for something to do.

But tomorrow I'll be busy.......baking, cooking and getting ready for dinner. Gotta go feed my ever always hungry little guy.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday WAS NOT any better....

well, while JEB was totally better and on the mend, it seems that he passed it along to ME! I woke feeling very full and tummy=yucky and actually did ok for a couple of hours, then proceeded to toss my cookies! Oh yeah, loads of fun.....BUT it did make me feel much better. Slept on and off all day, was sick AGAIN a couple of times and now have the other, as well. Loads of fun! While now, 12 hrs. later, I feel better and have kept down some orange sherbert and SPRITE, I'm still weak and haven't really eaten anything today. AND Jn is starting to feel bad.....oh, yippee!! Hopefully by morning, it will have worked its way thru my house and things will get back to normal tomorrow!

So, how was everyone else's SATURDAY???? At least my Christmas tree is up! Did that yesterday!

Tell me some of your 'sick' day remedies.....

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm SO glad it's FRIDAY....

Hey everyone......and am I ever glad it's FRIDAY!!! and only 1 1/2 days for next week!! YIPPEE!!

Well, JEB is sick with some sort of stomach virus, because he was busy tossing his cookies last night....yeah, loads of fun! Let me tell you, pizza just doesn't hold the same attraction the second time around! I'm thinking I won't be eating it any time soon! We're really not sure what's going on......he was fine, eating and playing, then he came in and was laying on me and **voila**......upchuck! So we cleaned up, .....chair, carpet, him, ME ..... and then went and lay down on his bed. He went to sleep with no trouble and about 10:30 started coughing and such and whatever was left in his tummy, soon followed the demise of the previous contents! Then it was all the bedclothes, jammies and various and assundry stuffed animals that needed washing. I was doing laundry till about 1AM. He then slept fairly peacefully and woke with me at 5:30 AM. Went to school for a brief meeting with a parent, then came home and promptly put up my Christmas Tree!!!

He's eaten some soup and crackers, a little SPRITE but nothing else. I guess the good news is that it has stayed in him, instead of coming up!! Oh, the joys of motherhood!

I have some more pics to share, but left them on my desk at school so it will be next week before I get them on my computer.

Everyone have a great weekend!! I plan to!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

no pain today....

Hey there......well, I feel pretty good today!! No pain meds, just advil only so that's a great thing! Still a tad bit swollen inside my mouth but nothing else really. Even though Jn elected to stay home with me instead of going back to school, he did very well taking care of me! He was quite the doting husband....made sure I had Sprite to drink, soup to eat and of course, the cure all for pain.....milkshakes!! He even went and picked JEB up from daycare, got him dinner, put him to bed and then stayed up late and watched the weather to make sure we weren't being blown away by a tornado!! What a guy!! Isn't he great????

Since I felt pretty good this morning, we went out for breakfast to IHOP and then off for grocery shopping at WalMart. Man, I so miss our WalMart's in Alabama. This one is ALWAYS FULL, jammed packed. They are always restocking merchandise and they are still always out of at least two or three things that I need and again, let me say PACKED!!! Today was no different. I would rather spend $50 more on groceries and go to PUBLIX!!! That's how bad it is!

But I guess the good news.....gas was only $1.97 per gallon!! NOT BAD! It only took 34.00 to fill my tank today. That is awesome!

Started thinking about Christmas shopping a little today. Planning my strategy for what I want to get everyone. I love Christmas!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I survived....

well everyone, I survived!! But now, I'm a little poorer and 3 teeth less.....there was another bad one on top of the same side that was beginning to get infected and it had already broken off some, so they pulled it too! All in all, not too bad. My drugs have kicked in and I'm feeling pretty good!! A little swollen, but not bad!

Thanks to those of you who were praying for me!! More later!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have to have 2 teeth pulled.....

Hey all.....well, I only have another day before I get my teeth yanked out.....then I'll have a nice big empty space in the back of the left side of my mouth. At least I'm glad the dentist is doing stitches....I hate having a huge gap where there used to be a tooth! I go to the oral surgeon on Friday at 10:00am. Which of course means no food/drink for breakfast, which will kill me, I'm sure. Then I'll be drugged for most of the rest of the day and in pain for the evening. YIPPEE....this sounds like so much fun! All the while my darling little munchkin will simply stand by the bedside and ask me if I'm ok.....Yes, JEB....Momma's fine!

Monday, November 10, 2008

JEB's name...

By the way, I was just re-reading some of my thoughts and decided for any of you who are new to my blog that I should probably tell you where we came up with JEB's name.

We joined our church last night and so many of the people who came thru the line and shook our hands and told us how happy they were for us to be a part of the Sherwood family, would shake his hand and say, 'What a cute name!' Actually, it was my husband's idea.....J for John - not just named after his daddy but after his great-grandpa, E - Ethan....a John Wayne character from a movie and it was better than Edward, and B - Benjamin, which John decided on after he was born and we found out he had Down Syndrome and I had gotten sick from the anesthesia at the beginning of my C-section AND I put my foot down about him having the name Beauregard!! One of our friends kindly reminded John that we weren't naming our new family dog! So it's John Ethan Benjamin (JEB) and he's never ever been anything but JEB!

Just thought you'd like to know!!

JEB's version of 'Roll Tide Roll'

looking cute, as always!

This one was too cute to leave out, but I couldn't
figure out how to rotate it......

this was the end of his 'Roll Tide'
Of course, all of you from Texas won't appreciate our appreciation of the number 1 college football team in the nation.....ALABAMA!!!! ROLL TIDE!!!! Not that we play like the #1 team, but the fact remains we still are!!! We thought for sure that being placed as #1 was a certain death wish.....but we held out against LSU this last Saturday and kept the title.....for one more week, at least!
Now let me tell you, being in SW GA among all of these Bulldog fans is not an easy task, but we are learning to live with it.....although there is a couple of Crimson Tide flags and mailbox covers on our street, so there is hope!
Everyone have a GREAT day today!

Friday, November 7, 2008

I love fall......

I love fall! I love all the colors.....reds/oranges/yellows.....just exactly the same colors of sunrises/ think God likes those colors in particular, since he uses them so often???? Hummmmmmm.....something to think about!

I'm going to attempt to go out and take some fall pics of JEB this wkend and of some trees/foliage and such, so when I get them developed, I'll put them on the blog.

Nothing much really happening......well, except that I have to have two molars extracted next week. Good thing get really great drugs for something like that for the PAIN, you know but the BAD thing will cost me as much for this procedure as it just did for a crown for one of my front teeth!! OUCH!!! I think all the dentists have a racket going here. $1200 for a crown??? $1130 for xrays, extraction, and anesthesia??? I am in the WRONG profession!!

Any thoughts out there????

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, GOD won....

Ultimately, GOD won the election yesterday. GOD's choice will become our next President, and while you may not have voted for him, GOD's will was spoken.....where we like it or not, GOD's will was spoken. Now, you need to spend the next four years praying for GOD to intervene for our country and to protect us as this next president makes choices that will affect our lives and the lives of our children. Let us seek GOD's plan in all of this and pray that HE hasn't turned away from us as a people.

Thank you LORD for loving us and for showing us that we need to follow you no matter what and that YOU are in control of all things! We love you FATHER!

Monday, November 3, 2008

As you vote tomorrow....

As you step out tomorrow to cast your vote for who you think would make the best leader of our country, remember to put that choice on the Heavenly throne and let GOD guide your conscience to who you believe would follow Him and do the best job of leading this country toward following GOD. Remember, no matter who wins this tomorrow, GOD is still on the throne and in total control of all that happens.....yes, even if the person who wins is not your choice, it will be GOD's choice.

As a nation, we have started down the path of Sodom and Gommorrah, and we all know how that story ended. Let us pray that as we support someone who will make decisions that will affect our children's lives in these next four years, we will think about the kinds of decisions he will make. Let's pray that we will get a reprieve from punishment, as did Ninevah during Jonah's time. God spared Ninevah because they repented and turned toward God.

VOTE your heart people. Pray for divine guidance as you choose. We may not get what we want, but we may get what we deserve. Be willing to live with the choice you make.

God is in control!!

I hate time change....

You know, what is with Daylight Savings time anyway???? Who came up with that one? No my "older' body must get used to a different sleeping schedule, which we all know totally messes you up. Then comes the child getting up at 5 AM, my only alone time in the house, but the good part here is that he will fall asleep right after dinner, if not sooner, like on the way home from school in the afternoon! Oh well, guess I just have to go along.....

For any of you who will read this today, I really want to ask for prayer for a friend of mine, we'll call 'JDB'. She is currently contemplating divorce from her husband of 5 yrs. Now, let me set the stage a little......her and her hubby, 'W', had been friends for several years and after a break up seemed to be hanging out with one another alot and one thing led to another and they ended up having to get married, due to the impending birth of 'L'. The thing is this, after being around my new church, which by the way, put out the movie 'FIREPROOF', which is all about restoring a broken marriage, I really feel led by the LORD to pray for healing in both JDB and W. It will take the mighty had of God to heal them both, from what she has told me. They both have their issues but you know, I am a product of a split family and know what its like. PRAISE GOD, my brother and I had my wonderful grandparents to raise us, while we still have our scars from it all, we have become productive adults due to their wonderful, godly raising. I know that GOD can heal their issues in this marriage, and I am praying for GOD to reach down to their souls and give them an unquivocal desire for no one but each other and a restlessness in their souls that only each other could fill. Please pray with me, fellow servants of GOD, that they will both be willing to listen to his calling in their hearts. I know that things have happened that will take some time to heal and deal with, but for the sake of 'L', who is only 2 1/2, they need to let God heal them, so they can have a wonderful life together. I know it wasnt started under the best of circumstances, but you know, GOD allowed it all to happen for a divine reason.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

You know, there's just something to be said for Friday night HS football games, chilly weather, a large cup of Hot Chocolate and a fresh funnel cake! Sherwood played its final home football game last night, so JEB and I decided to go watch. Jn had gone to Auburn with several of his vball players and the other coach to watch Auburn play vball, so JEB and I were on our own. First, after picking him up from aftercare and seeing he was totally into Halloween......chocolate stains on his shirt, sucker in mouth and one in his little goodie bag and leftovers all over his face, I decided the best course of action was a bath, first then football game. Believe me, he wasn't very excited about giving up that sucker, either! So, off we went to the bathtub and quickly got all cleaned up and off to the game we went.

We got there early enough to get a great parking place and of course, most important, right when the concession stand opened!! Chicken fingers and fries and a coke, which we all know is the dinner of champions!!! And growing little boys! The boys played well, and of course, JEB enjoyed watching the cheerleaders, one of which is his babysitter when Jn and I go out. He was thrilled to see K and enjoyed watching the boys run up and down the field. Now, let me say, that I'm very proud of the guys and the team, this was their first winning season EVER in school history and to top it all off, they played this whole season with a head coach, who was going thru chemo and dealing with a form of terminal blood cancer. God has truly been with him this season, and it seems his cancer is in a mild form of remission. Please pray for him, Coach 'Rock', as he goes after Thanksgiving for stem cell harvesting and after Christmas, stem cell transplants. He is an amazing guy and truly loves the Lord and is always out to see what he can teach the guys thru what he's going thru. Ultimately, he knows that God is on the throne and has already determined the outcome of it all. His son, N, is the star running back and is also playing qb due to a broken foot for our regular quarterback. N, is one of my students and he's dealing with all of this with amazing strength and maturity for a 16 yr. old kid. I enjoyed watching him play last night.

Probably the only regret I had about going to this game....I forgot to take a blanket!! After the sun went down, it was COLD!!!! Poor JEB's little fingers were quite cold by the time we headed for home, but after half-time and the cheerleaders dance, we decided it was time to go!! I'm glad the guys won and will now play for the FIRST TIME EVER, in the playoffs. I hope they can go a couple of rounds. That would be way cool!!!

And then....the funnel cakes were awesome!! So much so, that JEB and I had TWO! I know, I know, but I'm such a sucker for sweet powdery sugar concoctions.....and just think, the fair is this week!! Wow, more sweet delights!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ok, ok, ok.....I will attempt to make a comeback. Things here have been extremely busy, which I was quite surprised about. I told Jn that first week of school, in between crying and actually being afraid my new job was WAY over my head, that I just couldn't imagine what in the world I would do all day!! OH MY GOODNESS! God has a HUGE sense of humor!! He's sitting in heaven laughing out loud at my foolishness for even thinking such a thought, let alone actually voicing it out loud!!!

My days these past couple of weeks have been SO busy, literally going from one student to another, helping them prepare/study for tests/quizzes for the day and trying to help them prepare/study for upcoming tests/quizzes. OR I've been helping them meander thru the test or quiz that I've spent days helping them study for! Then it's answering emails, keeping up with lesson plans, modifying tests/quizzes and making sure they get back to the correct teacher when they've been taken! Oh, and heaven forbid if someone is absent a day! That totally messes with my schedule! And I seriously thought that I wouldn't have enough to keep me busy!! Boy, was I wrong!

I've heard it said......You plan, God laughs! OH how true!! We had a huge festival at church last night. My fellow teacher friend and I took our boys, walked around, fed them popcorn and cotton candy and then went out to eat! A perfect night for all!

I will try to keep up every so often. Please leave a message so I can see who comes to visit me!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

I win an award!

Thank you.....thank you.....thank you! I don't know where to start. This award means so much to me......I'm so amazed that anyone would read my ramblings.

1. Where is your cell phone? on the desk in front of me...just txtd someone
2. Where is your significant other? at a school football game
3. Your hair color? gray covered...light golden brown
4. Your mother? in heaven with Jesus
5. Your father? Heaven, I hope
6. Your favorite thing? Family...and my birthday, of course!
7. Your dream last night? I don't remember
8. Your dream/goal? Start our own Christian school
9. The room you're in? front room/office/dining room
10. Your hobby? scrapbooking/reading
11. Your fear? something happening to my little boy
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Wherever God wants me to be!
13. Where were you last night? Home sleeping in my chair
14. What you're not? rich (in money) but very wealthy in love/life/family/friends
15. One of your wish-list items? a swimming pool
16. Where you grew up? Iowa
17. The last thing you did? fixed dinner
18. What are you wearing? comfy clothes
19. Your TV? Direct
20. Your pet(s)? none at this time...miss my ferrets
21. Your computer? 4 yrs. old
22. Your mood?'s Friday night!
23. Missing someone? my grandma...Marnie
24. Your car? a KIA Sorento SUV
25. Something you're not wearing? you may not want to know....
26. Favorite store? Kohl's/Belk's.......Wal-Mart!
27. Your summer? not over yet....
28. Love someone? YES
29. Your favorite color? Red/Orange/yellow...sunset colors
30. When is the last time you laughed? this afternoon
31. Last time you cried? the other night watching tv

I choose......Sarah Gaalswyk to give this award too!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I know, I know.......

Hey everyone!

Sorry, but life has been hectic these last weeks. I'm getting settled into my new job and it's much paperwork and keeping track of kids schedules/tests/quizzes and figuring out how to help them study whatever they need for any particular day and then going back and forth between the HS and the Elementary campuses. Whew! I'm tired just talking about it! Plus, we have interoffice emails with Outlook and some days all I do is email other teachers about lesson plans and tests/quizzes for any given student, so when I get home at night, I don't even turn the computer on!

All is well here. Football and volleyball season are in full swing and we are loving it!

I promise, I'll keep up better!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

rain, rain, rain......

I feel like I should be building an ark, as we are in the midst of rain from the outer bands of TS Fay. It's been raining since yesterday evening on and off, sometimes quite heavy with wind gusts of probably 20mph. Not really too heavy, nothing at all like what we experienced when we were in Grand Cayman during Hurricane Ivan.

We were all battened down with several other families at the church (First Bapt. of Grand Cayman) and we were in the gym just listening to the rain and the wind. Most of the adults figured we should probably try to go to sleep around 10 pm that Saturday evening of Sept. 11, 2004, and at midnight the power went off. Jn and several other men from the church who were there with us went out to try and see if the generator would kick in, but no luck. The music minister's wife, Kathy, and her son Jonathon and JEB and I went into the sanctuary to try and get some sleep since it was much quieter in there. We actually did get some sleep until around 3:30 am John and Kathy's husband, Dave, came running in and said that we needed to get up and come in the gym, because the water was rising. Dave, Jn(who was the prinicpal of the school there) and Mike (now a very good friend of ours and a local restaurant owner) spent some time discussing what we should do next. The water ended up being about knee deep, and believe me, you didn't even want to know what it looked like or think about what you were bumping up against as you waded thru it....THANK GOODNESS the lights were out. Most of us moms with smaller children sat like sardines, squished on the stage in the gym. The winds were howling and later we found out at gusts of 225mph, a good, strong catagory 5 hurricane.

It was at that point the three guys decided that we should probably move to the sanctuary balcony, since the water was NOT very sanitary to walk around in, the kids were getting quite fidgety on that stage and the roof of the gym was making all sorts of weird sounds and they decided it would be safer in the church. As we loaded up what we could take with us, (all of our stuff was in Jn's office on the second floor), and carrying our children, we waded thru the water to get to the santcuary. Now, let me say that this church was octagonal shaped and had an outside walkway most of the way around the back of the building with two retangle-shaped buildings jutting out from the octagon shape of the sanctuary. All of that info to say, we had to go outside for about 5 ft. from the door of the gym to the door of the sanctuary with the wind pelting you as you walked thru the now almost waist high water.

Jn was carrying JEB and I was holding onto him, while the other guys were making a human rope of sorts and walking us all thru this to get into the sanctuary, which was filling with water rapidly. The family in front of us, a local Caymanian family, was going thru the door and when the wife began to enter the sanctuary she immediately froze and refused to go in because of the water flooding the church. The guys sort of shoved her in as they were trying to get the rest of us in safely. It scared me for a few seconds because I was concerned about JEB, who by that time was awake and the wind and water scared him, so he was crying.

We got into the church and went up the side stairs to the balcony and settled into a pew with other families we knew around us. As the night turned into daylight, what we experienced next was quite an experience. We watched as the rain began coming into the church and just running down the walls in sheets. We could see tree palms flying by the windows and the huge, octagonal window bow in and out, as we listened to the wind blow.

After 14 hours of this, Ivan finally moved on and began to subside although we didn't really venture out until Monday morning. This was a very powerful storm and moved very slowly. Sunday night saw many Caymanians, whose homes had been flooded and devastated, brought to the church for shelter. For many weeks post-hurricane, the church provided food for families and emergency workers from the soup kitchen of sorts that had been set up. Many restuarants sent food from their freezers that were now broken and ruined to the church for us to cook up and do with what we could.

The devastation on the island was unbelieveable.....many homes in total ruin, ours included, but God held his hand of protection on us as only 2 people died as a result of the hurricane. It was many weeks before power was restored as well as phone service or cable tv. We were able to salvage all of our belongings, but we had no where to live. We ended up staying with the music minister and his family for several weeks. John stayed with them while JEB and I came back to the states for 6 weeks and stayed with friends in Idaho. We then spent 5 weeks with a widow lady from the church, but ended up leaving at Christmas time due to low enrollment at the school and no where to live that was affordable. God lead us back to Alabama for the next three years, and now here we are in SW Georgia. Wow, what a trip!!

I love you JESUS! Thank you for being in control of every part of our lives!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

time to update....

I guess it's time I ck in and write something new. The past couple of weeks have been extremely hectic with school starting. I really like working at Sherwood. They have things very together and are extremely helpful for new teachers. Many own laptop, free lunches, 50% off tuition (school or daycare...which for us means FREE), mentor teachers for new teachers to SCA. Everyone is very helpful and friendly and we are settling in nicely. Jn is coaching JH vball which is a change but they are where to start building your program. He's also assisting with varsity, because the coach will be leaving in Jan or June to go to NY where her hubby got a job last year.

I'll try to keep posting new stuff to keep current. JEB loves his new school and is doing great.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

we're finally getting settled in....

hey there everyone......(like very many people actually read this)......anyway, we are finally getting settled into our new house. We've decided we really like it and the neighborhood we live in. I can't wait until Christmas because I bet it's decorated up to the hilt! I won't have to go far to look at Christmas lights! It's an older neighborhood and its very well kept. I really like just driving down the streets and seeing the houses.

Jn is getting settled in at school, which is good. He's been quite busy with testing new students and then trying to sort thru the mountains of stuff his predecessor had from many years back. She was a pack rat and kept everything! Anyhow, we're trying to get him fixed up and his office decorated because then I can take my stuff and get settled into my room. It's smaller than a regular classroom because I'll see students on a one-on-one basis, like I do with tutoring. But its right next to the cafeteria. So far, Jn and I are both impressed that Sherwood has its stuff together......things like because we both get 50% off at church day camp, JEB goes for free.....we each got a laptop to use, lunches are free for teachers.....just little stuff like that. Cool huh??

Well not much else, just busy running to the store for other little things we decide we want to help make things more organized. I'll ck in later!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I have my own computer!

well, I'm finally back to normal....I now have my own school computer. YEA!! I've never had a laptop before.....I must say it's sort of cool.

Well, JEB will start day camp at our church on Thursday....yippee! He so misses playing and stuff with other kids....the major downfall to having only one child. We found out that because both of us work at the school, we each get a 50% discount which brings it to ZERO dollars! YAY! So we (I) am going to take advantage of that over the next couple of weeks and take him to daycare so he can have some social contacts and get some of his energy out! I still have to register him for school (FRI) but he can get used to going to something organized again.

Slowly getting things unpacked and getting the pics on the walls, which makes it feel more like home. Jn is getting used to things in his office, we will decorate it one day next week when JEB is at daycamp.

Thanks for the prayers while we moved, now if I can adjust to Eastern Time Zone....way weird!

love ya all,

Friday, July 11, 2008

we finally have internet!

Hey everyone....Mackenzie....who actually read my blog. We finally are connected to the internet! I feel semi-normal again! We are getting settled into our GA house...I'm actually down to putting books on bookshelves and pictures on the walls, so I guess that means we're unpacked. We had to go to Bham the last two days for a social security thing for JEB from when we were unemployed three years ago and coming back into GA made me feel good to be home. Jn is settling into his job....moving into his office and reconfiguring it and stuff. JEB will get registered at daycare and school this week, so I will start taking him to daycare maybe three days a week, so he'll have some "kid" contact and get ready to have a routine again. At our new school, teachers start Aug. 1st and school begins Aug. 8th. JEB's school begins Aug. 6th, so its not too long before he starts school.

All else is going well. I'll write more later!

lovve to everyone!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

it's almost time...

hey everyone....its almost moving day. Today we had a lot of our friends come and help us load up the truck. Several of John's vball girls were here too. JEB had a blast playing and coloring with them all. One couple have two girls and so JEB was able to play mostly all morning, which allowed me to help direct the packing to the guys in the truck.

We went over to one of the couple's house for dinner....filet mignon, I might add and they had the vball team over to say goodbye and had a cake and all. It was very sweet and good for John. This is the hardest place to say goodbye. I'm quite sad about it. I'll miss church too! God must have some really great things planned for us....I can't wait to see what they are!

We'll officially leave Monday more trip to Cullman and PaPa's house tomorrow before we leave.

Keep us in your prayers!

Love to all!

Monday, June 23, 2008

well, it's official!

Well, we sent the deposit for the house in GA today and changed all the stuff over.....electric, gas, water, garbage, phone services, satellite and that makes it official! This time next week, we'll be on our way to GA.

John still isn't sure about this move, but it's definitely God opening doors and showing us the way. I'm sort of looking forward to know, getting to rearrange stuff and re-organize stuff, get a few new things for decorating and stuff. I'm just glad we both have a job. God will work out all of the other details as they come along. I will miss my church though. It took me quite a while to get used to it, very big, megachurch and several services and very contemporary music that I didn't know the words to, but I slowly got used to it and learned the songs and I love it now. But I know, God will help me fit into a slot at the church in GA.

Gotta get back to packing.....later!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I can't remember packing being this hard....

Hey there everyone......I simply have one question? When did packing a box become so hard to do?? My goodness! you'd think I was planning strategic war ops or something, but I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to pack a box!!! You'd think I was forgetting the reason for packing things in a box was simply to move it to a new location. Honestly!

I get a box all ready to go and then I stare at it! What foolishness and what a waste of time! I'm really going to try and be more efficient and get more done. Although, we really don't have that many things to pack.

When we left 4 yrs. ago and moved to the Cayman Islands, we purged everything! In fact, it took me two huge yard sales to get rid of it all! So we really have very little compared to that time, but oh my goodness, how we've accumulated already!

Well, at least I can't say I'm bored and have nothing to do!

Later.....I hear stuff calling me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

well, I now have something to do!

Hey there friends and's now official, we are moving to Albany, GA. While this statement brings happiness that we both have a job, it also brings great sadness and grief that we must leave our home, church and friends here in Alabama. We both know that this is God at work and has a very specific design and reason for why HE wants us to be a part of the ministry at Sherwood. Both Jn and I are ok with moving, its just that we really like being where we are.....the house that is settled back into the woods of a dead end street and the people we rent from that live next door up a little hill are like family ( we keep their dog and cats and feed them!), the church we love being a part of (worship was awesome yesterday!), changing schools for JEB and getting all of that worked out, and of course, leaving the friends we've made these past three years!

Pray for us as we look for housing and try to get all of that stuff settled. Of course, this might be hard since we are trying to move in the next couple of weeks and be there so Jn can start on July 1st.

Well, at least I won't be bored for awhile!

Later....JEB has VBS this week! PRAISE GOD!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's my baby boy's 8th birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JEB!! I can't actually believe that he's 8 today. Time goes by so fast! It seems like just last week he was a tiny thing, dressed in the cutest little Pooh clothes!! With little Pooh feet!!

Today, he woke up early and promptly decided that I should awaken with him and trot out to the living room. Usually when he does this, he proceeds to lay down on the couch, cuddle up to me and go back to sleep for another hour or so. Which irritates me, because I could've gotten a little more zzzzz's, but I at least get some quiet time. But does he do that this morning???? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! He was rarin' to go! So, I started telling him it was his birthday. He would try to repeat it, but it didn't really sound like "birthday", but I kept trying. Then when we were at lunch, he said birthday.....very plainly. And then promptly asked for a "cake"! He realized that a cake needs to come with the birthday. Obviously something he learned at school. Doesn't everyone have cupcakes with their birthday??? Which is good, because I decided to be little miss Suzy Homemaker and bake him a cake and decorate it....with SHREK deco.....and even bought an "8" candle for him to blow out and everything! So hopefully he'll remember that I baked him a cake for his eighth birthday.

We didn't really get him much......he's quite easy to accomodate. Crayons, coloring books.....WIGGLES DVD's, VEGGIE TALES, etc. Although we went to Toys R' Us the other evening and actually got him a bigger Magna-Doodle and huge hockey sticks and balls to hit around. He will love it! Another toy for us to play with on the screened back porch!! I had gotten a set of kids tennis rackets at CVS a while back, and he LOVES playing tennis on the porch! So the hockey sticks will fit right in! I know, what AM I thinking......but I figured it would be better than a set of DRUMS!

He's talking so much now. In fact, yesterday, he put on his shoes and got his traveling buddies, (Tiger, Tigger and Elephant) and told me he wanted to go to the store. So we did. He first wanted a coke....settled for Root Beer and then it was chicken. While he was nibbling on drumsticks, we went down the aisles and HE shopped. Chips, pullups, pizzas, and ice cream. Is he ever a boy, or what! Then home we went and he was tickled pink! and quite proud of himself!

It amazes me what he can do and what he knows and remembers. His vocabulary is becoming more together and he's talking in whole sentences and telling us what he wants. Things that regular children do's so neat to hear him do them. It makes you look at things much simpler.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! Thank you Jesus for such a wonderful gift! We love him!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

summer is boring...

I know, I's so pathetic!! I'm bored and its only been a good week!

Later, after I find something to do!

Friday, June 6, 2008

We have a job!

Well, the school in GA offered us both a position fact, they called yesterday and wanted Jn to know that they were putting the contracts in the mail to us and that they would like John to start by July 1st or no later than the 15th. Only mention of $$ at we have absolutely NO idea what the package is we must wait to see what the offers are before we know for sure what we are doing! Isn't that odd??? I said that they must be 150% confident that the $$ is great and totally awesome that we wouldn't be able to turn it down and so they didn't need to mention what it was in a phone call. We'll see.

I'm ok with moving......while I would miss my friends here that I've made these past three years and our church, which I love! But I also know that I would make new friends there and be involved in church more, probably because its smaller and more manageable than our 8000 member church.

Well, we'll see what God shows us. If it's where we are to be, then all the puzzle pieces will fall into place. John has his interview next Wednesday at one of the local community colleges, but my second interview at the church preschool/daycare isn't until the 16th. I just want to know what we're doing and where we're going. I hate the in-between stuff. Waiting stinks! But thank you Lord for the offers at Sherwood. I KNOW you know what we're doing!

later everyone,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

good morning all....

hey there everyone. No news on the job front yet, although I did find out from a colleague that the school in Albany is cking references, which is good. We are still praying for God to hit us with a LIGHTNING BOLT and have written on it where we should be and what job to take. Boy, if it were only done that way, life would be so much simpler.

I spent the day cleaning my bathrm and our bedrm....not an easy task mind you. You know, organized my closet, actually vacummed between the washer and dryer, oiled the wood trim around both rooms...(who in their right mind would put wood trim in a bathrm??) oiled the door to my bathrm...(again I ask, who in their right mind would put a door up that had slats??)....vacummed the room really well.....actually dusted in the corners behind the doors....oh, and cleaned the carpet where JEB has spilled who knows what. I think though it actually looks a little better, but I think I need to call the carpet cleaner people. This carpet, which is a rose color, (yeah, I know), needs to be steam cleaned. We cleaned it with the RUG DOCTOR over Christmas break and it looked better for a while, but now it's back to nasty again. I think this rug has been in there since they remodeled 25 yrs. ago. So, I think I'll make that phone call to have someone come clean it. I might actually feel better about walking on it barefoot.

Today is Jn's bathrm and the hallway and possibly JEB's room. I'm tackling the house a couple of rooms at a time and really cleaning them well. That should take me thru the wkend and then I'll have to hunt for something else to do to keep me busy. I really should do some scrapping, but Jn is playing one of his war games on the computer, which is in the same room as my scrap stuff and both of us in the same room doing something that is relaxing for each of us wouldn't work.

Continue praying for us as we wait on God's timing for our jobs. I hate this in between part.....

love to all,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

job interviews....

Hello all.....we just got home from an interview for us both at Sherwood Baptist in Albany, might recognize the name from the movie "Facing the Giants"....yeah, that one! They want a HS Guidance Counselor/Admin. person and then an Elementary teacher. We drove down on Saturday afternoon and then came home yesterday. First, let me say that we were taken care of quite well. We stayed in one of the homes across the street from the church that they use for out of town speakers or guests.....very nice little house. Actually, not super's bigger than what we live in now. Cute house.....they had everything! TV, computer, dishes, food in the pantry. It was great! Church was great, too.....typical Southern Baptist church. The school was good.....they've been blessed by God, for sure! They are getting ready to release another movie this fall, "Fireproof" that stars Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains.

Anyway, the interviews went well and we fully expect them to call and offer us the positions. Now we simply pray for God to direct us. John has an interview at a local community college next week, which would be GREAT on many accounts. Great health insurance....great retirement....What's that??....and good salary. I have a second interview with a nearby church that has a daycare/preschool and are looking for a program director. So, we need prayer for God to just lead us which direction He wants us to go!

Now we are into our second actual week of vacation.....I'm not looking forward to it, though I am going to begin my cleaning jag. I want to take one room at a time and CLEAN it. Every corner and every little spot, to help feel like its clean. This house has major dirt issues......very dirty when we moved in and we just haven't been able to clean it up since.

Well, not much else. Glad to be home though.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Celebrate the HEROES in your life....

Hello everyone! Hope you are celebrating any war heroes that are in your family today or thinking of the memories of ones who have come before you and fought for your freedom to just be.....

I remember growing up in IOWA......on this holiday we would take our half gallon milk cartons and cut the tops off, fill them 1/4 of the way with sand and water, and then cut many of the peonies from our yard and fill them in the cartons, then off to the cemetaries we would go in search of our relatives and leave the cartons at the graves.

It's funny what you remember....that was always so important to my grandmother, who I lived with most of my life. Marnie always had a way to make things like going to the cemetary so neat and important. I miss her.....but she's in heaven looking after us....with God.

John has an interview at a local Bible college tomorrow. I'm praying for good results. Now I need to find something....God will provide if we are to stay here.

Keep praying for us.

Friday, May 23, 2008

being jobless.....

well all, we are officially jobless. Now the good thing is that we get paid thru the end of July....the bad thing is....we don't have jobs yet but we know that we serve an All-Mighty, All-knowing and All-powerful God who has our lives totally in HIS control.

But don't you think that sometimes it would be totally cool for Him to tell us though??? Today was officially our last day at school, so leaving my friends was not very fun. John's day would be much tougher....he had to tell his volleyball girls today. He told them at practice and then they were to have a team dinner, which John actually said went much better than expected and they responded better than he thought they would. John handled it quite well, but I know deep down he's quite emotional about it.

Now, God does have some plans though.....John has an interview for a college position at a local Bible college for the Financial Aide Director position that is open there. It would be ok, not great $$ though, but at least get him started in a college position, which is totally why he got his Doctorate in the first place! I, on the other hand, have had several interviews, but have come up short on all occasions. We'll see what happens with me.....I can only think that means that God has something bigger and better than the two or three that I thought I REALLY wanted! Ok, God....sign me up! I'm all for bigger and better!

PRAY for us as we seek God's plan for our lives. We do have an interview in Albany, GA next weekend.....HS counselor for John and 1st grade for me. Not that we want to move or anything, but we do need jobs. We'll see where the doors are open and see if God puts the puzzle pieces together for us.

Feeling somewhat emotional, so I'll sign off for now!

Love to all!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm here....really

Hello there friends and family who ck this blog only to find that I haven't written in a month.....but I'm here again. I'm terribly sorry for the over sight, but I have been extremely busy keeping up with all of my grading and such this last six weeks of school. Plus, since we are on the job hunt again, I've been filling out apps and sending out resumes' and going on interviews, which makes one extremely tired. PLUS, it is Stanley Cup Hockey season and my team, The Detroit Red Wings are still playing, so I've been watching that as well. Oh, and JEB has had two rounds of strep throat and now is going thru his third antibiotic with a sinus infection!! YIPPEE!!

I promise that I will seriously try to keep up with writing something down every couple of keep up with Mackenzie!

Love to you all,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

finally.......I'm back

Hello all....well the play went great and we had a great turnout. When I last wrote, I was languishing about JEB being sick and John being grumpy....well, that wasn't the end of our play production issues. Friday was going well....then the bad weather came in. Tornadoes and strong thunderstorms were coming our way....only to be in the middle of getting makeup on and getting them dressed for the afternoon matinee performance and then the city and county schools decided to dismiss by 1:30 pm, which meant we would also follow suit. So, that meant all activities would be cancelled including the play. What a GOD thing though.....the place doing dinner let us change it to Monday, the tux place said we could return them on Tuesday, even the curtain rental place changed return to Tuesday, oh, and the chairs/tables we borrowed from the church across the street from us said we could bring them back on Tuesday!! Definitely a GOD thing!!

Saturday evening's dinner and performance went great, the kids had a great time and the audience enjoyed it, too! Several lines were dropped but they covered for each other quite well. Then Monday's matinee and evening performance went well. I was so proud of them! Thanks for all of your prayers and support. Oh, and John's back to normal.....yay!

I promise to keep up with blogging. Thanks for listening!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

what a week!

Well my friends, its been a Satan Week....that should describe it perfectly! Monday and Tuesday weren't too bad, but its play production week and that alone makes it hectic! Then I had a sub for Wed-Fri. to get ready for production! First, John has not been himself lately which stresses me out totally, and on Wednesday morning JEB woke complaining of a tummy ache and being very whiny, which meant he was not going to school but coming with us. This would've normally been ok, but I had scheduled a day of running last minute play errands with one of the other directors and we had our day pretty well laid out. JEB could have come with us, but it definitely would be easier to leave him with John. We did that, but he wasn't exactly happy about the prospect....and since he was in a rotten mood to start with, that pushed the button that said "EXPLODE"!!! He got his classes covered and headed home, calling me to tell me that he was leaving the tickets in his top desk drawer. Ok, I said....what about the $$ I left with you? He said, "What money? I didn't see any money." As he was saying this to me I was quickly beginning to hyperventilate in D's car as we were going to pick up some things......since this was serious money.....several hundred dollars worth of ticket sales that I couldn't replace.....well, he called back and said that it was there and gave it to the other play director who was still in his classroom! WHEW! I was panicked!!

All went great with rehearsal and we were set for a Thursday matinee performance. Got to school on Thursday, got rehearsal going and I took one of the make-up people to WalMart for a last minute make=up pick up for the play......only to get back to school and see one of my actors in the office crying....a guy, no less which did not spell a good situation. Got to the rehearsal to find that he decided it would be hilariously funny to take one of the play guns that is a prop and go in the hall and jump out at whoever happened by.....which happened to be two third grade girls and he consequently scared them half to death, made them cry and scream and things quickly went down hill from there. Now, in a public school that would automatically get the cops called....ironic, that his character was a cop........and he would be hauled off to the pokey, but it got him suspended for two days, which meant we had to come up with a back-up plan. Got the acting all rearranged only to have our Friday matinee and evening dinner theater cancelled and reschedule for Monday because of threatening tornadic weather!!

So, we are on for our Saturday performance with every thing still on for Monday! I'll post some pics when I get them from my photographers. It's really going well and very funny!

Pray that all goes well. Oh, and then JEB wakes at midnight last night throwing up everything he ate yesterday!! Yeah, way fun! All is better, he's keeping food/drink down and all the laundry is done. Ok, maybe we'll get thru today after all!


Friday, March 21, 2008

scarlet fever....oh my!

Well, what a difference a day can make! My little angel did not get better on Wednesday, and in fact, started breaking out with little pimple-like bumps on his face/mouth area. He did sleep somewhat better on Wednesday night, but woke up feeling as bad or worse than the previous day and with several more bumps. Listening to him breathe very rapidly and soundly quite grovely.....I called the dr. and got him in by 2 pm. Got there and waited for her to enter, all the while JEB was being an angel sitting on the exam table waiting. She came in and listened to me describe what had been going on and looked in his ears/throat and said that it looked to her like scarlet fever! AAAAHHHHH! She said actually all scarlet fever is .... is strep with a rash. Ok, that sounded a little better! Of course, then we continued to discuss how in Little Women one of the girls gets scarlet fever then rheumatic fever and dies from complications to it and that Mary on Little House on the Prairie gets scarlet fever and goes blind eventually because of it. Yeah, that made me feel better!

Anyway, she said nothing to worry about....that's what we have antibiotics for!! So off to WalMart we went and did our bi-weekly grocery shopping and spent too much money. It seems we have this issue when Daddy goes shopping with us.....I try to stick to what I have on my list and Daddy doesn't shop with a list......enough said. He's feeling a little better today....had two doses of meds already, but I think the Easter morning pics are out! He has quite the blotchy, spotty face! Maybe we'll do Easter next wkend! At least the egg hunting part and pictures!

I'm on a cleaning gig today.....tried to get John out of the house and out with one of his coaching buddies, but to no avail. Such is life.......

Back to cleaning.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

not too bad....

Well, JEB wasn't too bad last night, which translates to the fact that I actually did get some sleep! He's taken two naps today, and been sort of whiny which is actually very unusual when he's sick. I'm afraid that he's got some version of the flu. He's been warm to the touch off and on, but not burning up. So, he's getting a regular dose of Tylenol/Motrin which ever I have at the time, and tonight some strong cough meds to help him breathe easier and sleep better.

Only 7 days left of many hours??? While my paper grading stack is dwindling slowly, I'm beginning to be bored and tired of being in the house. Oh well, such is life!

Talk to everyone later,

Monday, March 17, 2008

8 more days....

well, day three of vacation hasn't been too bad, but JEB is sick. Yucky nose, yucky poops, coughing, breathing fast and heavy......sinus, I think, but its not gross green yet. Time will tell. So I must prepare myself for not much sleep tonight.....which is what the past two nights have become....not getting much sleep. Don't know what that's all about, but I'm quite tired of it already! Hopefully, we won't have to do the dr., but I may have too. Sometimes, he just needs a good 10-14 days of drugs to clean out his system.

I am getting those papers graded, slowly but surely and have been catching up on all of my DVR'd shows. I actually washed the rugs today! I was quite proud of myself.

Well, the sick child calls......

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, we're out for 11 days.....JEB for only 9 of those, since he has school on Monday/Tuesday after Easter and John and I don't. Monday was a regular day off...I guess since we usually get Good Friday off and this year its part of our break, they gave us an extra day off. Can't say that's a bad idea. Then both John's homeroom and the 5th grade won an extra day off because we brought in the most money in our division for the annual penny drop at school to help with the cost of the Athletic banquets at the end of the year. The 5th grade class has never lost, since they were in 1st grade. Not a bad streak if you ask me....especially since this was my year to win.

All in all, it will be a good break....I think. If JEB would get potty trained....I'm so over changing him. He'll go in the potty whenever I take him, and occaisionally tell me ahead of time that he must pee.....but poop?? Not on your life! So next week, I'm going to work on that diligently! I'm trying to muster up the will to really do a big cleaning, but that one I'm really struggling with. Cleaning is not my thing....I only do it because I get tired of looking at the dust bunnies!

I have a LOAD of papers to grade and catch up on, so that will be my primary focus. Plus maybe blogging some more.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm back.....

Hey everyone.....sorry I've been away from the blog for awhile....things have been busy. Actually, I've been reading others but not taking the time to write in mine. Sorry to Mackenzie and Ginger and Robbie who actually keep up with me, just haven't felt like taking the time until today.

Not much going on really....well, that's not entirely true. We are job hunting again. We've been where we are for three years and actually I was hoping for one more, but God has other plans. So, I've been preparing my resume and sending some out to other local Christian schools, knowing that most probably haven't even handed out contracts yet, but I thought and hoped that maybe if I get a jump on everyone else and maybe have my stuff be one of the first resumes that they see maybe I'll get a call sooner. John has a couple that he will be sending....although we are praying for a different solution to his job situation.....that OUR school would get up and running. We have been praying about starting our own school in the area, out where there isn't anything, but its the up and coming area. Everyone is moving out that way now, so its showing lots of potential!

JEB is doing great. Only two more weeks until Spring Break!! I'm also in full swing with this year's drama production and loving it! So hopefully I'll have more time after all of that!

Later to everyone,

Monday, February 18, 2008

can you believe its almost MARCH???

Well, here we are on the 18th of Feb.....this month has gone so fast. We were out of school today and we went to PaPa's house in Cullman. Not a bad trip....went out to eat and then back to the house. Hung out for a little while then came home. I spent most of Saturday and yesterday doing grades since report cards are supposed to go out on Wednesday.

John and I determined today that we were going to make every concerted effort to lose weight over the next few weeks and stick to a menu for dinnertime....yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. I do super great during the week, but the wkends are the hardest for me. I don't really go overboard, but I get off my weekday schedule, plus I do think it helps for me to have something to do all day. Keeps my mind off of food....sometimes I don't even really think about eating until its dinner. Anyway, we'll see what happens. I really want to exercise and walk.....just can't seem to get motivated about it at night though....I need one more hour in my mornings.....maybe I should join a gym. Then maybe I'd feel bad about spending the $$ and I'd go simply for that reason!!

Oh well....everyone have a good week!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

here I am again....

Wow.....two days in a row.....I think I must be ill. Actually, its because I am all caught up with grading my papers which in and of itself is a miracle and we were going to Cullman but decided not too because John had a really bad sinus headache. So, I actually have time on my hands! WOW!

Plus I'm super excited about our vacation this summer....we are really going on one! We were planning to go to Disney, which is probably one of my favorite places in the whole world! Mickey/Minney/Tigger/Country Bear just can't beat them! And Space Mountain is phenomenal!! And then there's Cinderella's Castle and Pirates of the Carribbean! You'd think I was 10! But Walt really outdid himself! Anyway, we decided to wait until Christmas Break because it would be cooler and we would enjoy it more. So we then started talking about Gatlinburg, which we used to go visit all the time before we started our galavanting all over the country back in '94. As we started planning and looking at places to stay and things to see.....well I just got so excited!! It'll be great! The first week of June will be nice and cool still in the evening there in the mountains! I'm totally psyched!!

Ok, enough for now....just wanted to talk about how cool it is to plan a fun vacation! Have a great day everyone!


Saturday, February 9, 2008

John's birthday....

Well, he's arrived! 45 and counting.....although he continues to tease me mercilessly about the fact that I'm still two yrs. older than he is!! Oh goes on! Yesterday was John's official birthday and we both took the day off to celebrate. We actually just went out for breakfast, did our regular Wal-Mart shopping run....while his car was being know, oil change and new front tires. Then we came home and spent the afternoon doing some little things around the house that we just can't seem to get done with JEB home. Of course, he was at school like all good little 7 yr. olds should be on a Friday afternoon.

Not much really going on here in Alabama....although it was a gorgeous day yesterday. Somewhere in the upper 50's/lower 60's and not a cloud in the sky!! God really knows how to put on a show, huh?? And the moon last night was neat....just the tiniest sliver showing, and with all the stars.....oooooooooweeeee!!

I hope all of you are gearing up for being sweet and civil to your sweeties for Valentine's Day. Although trying to convince your hubby that you'd just rather have more STARBUCK's dollars on your STARBUCK's card instead of candy and flowers isn't proving to be that easy!

Oh goes on......till next time,

Friday, February 1, 2008

another week past....

hey all.....not much happening around here....well, that's not quite true. It's supposed to be pretty nice for the next few days here in Alabama! And we are starting our spring play auditions at school next week and I'm psyched!! I love doing the drama stuff!! We are doing a comedy based on the old Cary Grant movie...."Arsenic and Old Lace". In it, Cary Grant is the nephew of these two old spinster aunts and crazy uncle, who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt. Anyway, they are killing off old men who rent a room in their home because they are feeling sorry for them since they are so lonely! Cary Grant finds out and tries to have the uncle committed because he's killing men off! Our play will be about the two old spinster ladies who rob casinos and hide the loot in the basement, where it is buried by crazy Uncle Charlie, who is certain he's Jack Sparrow's missing sibling!! ARRGH! Mateys! It's going to be a blast and I'm so excited about getting started on it!!

Have a great GroundHog day!!


Saturday, January 19, 2008


Can you believe it??? It actually snowed in central Alabama!! Yeah, I was only a dusting and its already melted and gone.....but we got to watch it snow for a couple of hours!! It was so reminded me of when we lived in Colorado and Idaho......and waking up to inches of snow on the ground!!

Sorry that it's been a while since I've posted....getting back into the swing of the routine of school. Plus our internet has been acting weird lately.....whenever we use the regular phone, our internet goes down for a while.
All is going well.....we are doing a play to celebrate Black History month, so we will start rehearsals this week. Mostly during our last hour classes of Drama and my Speech class, but there will be some additional rehearsal times right before performance in late February. It should be very poignant, if the kids really get into it and perform well.....which they should.
Not much else going on....just scrapping today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Welcome 2008!! I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve.....and now comes the hard part....remembering to write 2008 on all of your cks!!

We are still SICK!! YUCK! I'm soooooo over all the upset tummys and diarhea!! I just hope both guys are better by the wkend so they can go to school next week!

The picture is one that I took in attempting a pic to send with Christmas cards. JEB isn't always very cooperative. He actually does great for school pics.....simply because all of the other kids are doing it!

We still haven't ventured out of the house much because of it. Actually, we went out to eat last night and I went to the restroom three times to change JEB's pull-ups! Oh yeah,!! No parties for us!!

Anyway, we hope that you all have a wonderful start to this new year!! Expect God to do great things for you!! He will!!

Love to you all,
deb, john and JEB