Saturday, April 4, 2009

off to a wedding.....

Well, today should prove to be interesting......we are going to a wedding. I tried very hard to find a babysitter for JEB, but with it being the first weekend of spring break.....they all fled to the beach or have a soccer game 5 hrs. away today or they want to go to the wedding too!!! So, I will dress up the munchkin in his Sunday clothes and off to Richland we will go.

I have to make sure that I have markers/coloring book, and something to drink for him in his backpack and we'll see how long he makes it. You see, I sort of had a hand in the making of this wedding.......back in September, Anna Marie (bride) came to our house for dinner on Labor Day wkend. We really had just started becoming friends, since we were both new to our school this year, and she was talking about going to Warner Robbins to visit her aunt but that Alan (groom) had sort of talked to her at lunch that week at school. I convinced her to txt him and see what he was doing and they made lunch plans for the next day, and the rest is history!!!!! So, you see, she would be quite upset with me if I wasn't there to celebrate with them, otherwise, I'd probably stay home. Hopefully, JEB will behave and not have any shout outs or make loud noises so I can enjoy the wedding.

Somewhere along the line, I've got to help him learn how to sit thru quiet stuff.......yeah, right!

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