Friday, March 21, 2008

scarlet fever....oh my!

Well, what a difference a day can make! My little angel did not get better on Wednesday, and in fact, started breaking out with little pimple-like bumps on his face/mouth area. He did sleep somewhat better on Wednesday night, but woke up feeling as bad or worse than the previous day and with several more bumps. Listening to him breathe very rapidly and soundly quite grovely.....I called the dr. and got him in by 2 pm. Got there and waited for her to enter, all the while JEB was being an angel sitting on the exam table waiting. She came in and listened to me describe what had been going on and looked in his ears/throat and said that it looked to her like scarlet fever! AAAAHHHHH! She said actually all scarlet fever is .... is strep with a rash. Ok, that sounded a little better! Of course, then we continued to discuss how in Little Women one of the girls gets scarlet fever then rheumatic fever and dies from complications to it and that Mary on Little House on the Prairie gets scarlet fever and goes blind eventually because of it. Yeah, that made me feel better!

Anyway, she said nothing to worry about....that's what we have antibiotics for!! So off to WalMart we went and did our bi-weekly grocery shopping and spent too much money. It seems we have this issue when Daddy goes shopping with us.....I try to stick to what I have on my list and Daddy doesn't shop with a list......enough said. He's feeling a little better today....had two doses of meds already, but I think the Easter morning pics are out! He has quite the blotchy, spotty face! Maybe we'll do Easter next wkend! At least the egg hunting part and pictures!

I'm on a cleaning gig today.....tried to get John out of the house and out with one of his coaching buddies, but to no avail. Such is life.......

Back to cleaning.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

not too bad....

Well, JEB wasn't too bad last night, which translates to the fact that I actually did get some sleep! He's taken two naps today, and been sort of whiny which is actually very unusual when he's sick. I'm afraid that he's got some version of the flu. He's been warm to the touch off and on, but not burning up. So, he's getting a regular dose of Tylenol/Motrin which ever I have at the time, and tonight some strong cough meds to help him breathe easier and sleep better.

Only 7 days left of many hours??? While my paper grading stack is dwindling slowly, I'm beginning to be bored and tired of being in the house. Oh well, such is life!

Talk to everyone later,

Monday, March 17, 2008

8 more days....

well, day three of vacation hasn't been too bad, but JEB is sick. Yucky nose, yucky poops, coughing, breathing fast and heavy......sinus, I think, but its not gross green yet. Time will tell. So I must prepare myself for not much sleep tonight.....which is what the past two nights have become....not getting much sleep. Don't know what that's all about, but I'm quite tired of it already! Hopefully, we won't have to do the dr., but I may have too. Sometimes, he just needs a good 10-14 days of drugs to clean out his system.

I am getting those papers graded, slowly but surely and have been catching up on all of my DVR'd shows. I actually washed the rugs today! I was quite proud of myself.

Well, the sick child calls......

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, we're out for 11 days.....JEB for only 9 of those, since he has school on Monday/Tuesday after Easter and John and I don't. Monday was a regular day off...I guess since we usually get Good Friday off and this year its part of our break, they gave us an extra day off. Can't say that's a bad idea. Then both John's homeroom and the 5th grade won an extra day off because we brought in the most money in our division for the annual penny drop at school to help with the cost of the Athletic banquets at the end of the year. The 5th grade class has never lost, since they were in 1st grade. Not a bad streak if you ask me....especially since this was my year to win.

All in all, it will be a good break....I think. If JEB would get potty trained....I'm so over changing him. He'll go in the potty whenever I take him, and occaisionally tell me ahead of time that he must pee.....but poop?? Not on your life! So next week, I'm going to work on that diligently! I'm trying to muster up the will to really do a big cleaning, but that one I'm really struggling with. Cleaning is not my thing....I only do it because I get tired of looking at the dust bunnies!

I have a LOAD of papers to grade and catch up on, so that will be my primary focus. Plus maybe blogging some more.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm back.....

Hey everyone.....sorry I've been away from the blog for awhile....things have been busy. Actually, I've been reading others but not taking the time to write in mine. Sorry to Mackenzie and Ginger and Robbie who actually keep up with me, just haven't felt like taking the time until today.

Not much going on really....well, that's not entirely true. We are job hunting again. We've been where we are for three years and actually I was hoping for one more, but God has other plans. So, I've been preparing my resume and sending some out to other local Christian schools, knowing that most probably haven't even handed out contracts yet, but I thought and hoped that maybe if I get a jump on everyone else and maybe have my stuff be one of the first resumes that they see maybe I'll get a call sooner. John has a couple that he will be sending....although we are praying for a different solution to his job situation.....that OUR school would get up and running. We have been praying about starting our own school in the area, out where there isn't anything, but its the up and coming area. Everyone is moving out that way now, so its showing lots of potential!

JEB is doing great. Only two more weeks until Spring Break!! I'm also in full swing with this year's drama production and loving it! So hopefully I'll have more time after all of that!

Later to everyone,