Tuesday, March 18, 2008

not too bad....

Well, JEB wasn't too bad last night, which translates to the fact that I actually did get some sleep! He's taken two naps today, and been sort of whiny which is actually very unusual when he's sick. I'm afraid that he's got some version of the flu. He's been warm to the touch off and on, but not burning up. So, he's getting a regular dose of Tylenol/Motrin which ever I have at the time, and tonight some strong cough meds to help him breathe easier and sleep better.

Only 7 days left of break.....how many hours??? While my paper grading stack is dwindling slowly, I'm beginning to be bored and tired of being in the house. Oh well, such is life!

Talk to everyone later,

1 comment:

Me said...

poor JEB! maddie had a fever that went up and down too, but she just has a cold now. say hi to him for me!