Monday, March 17, 2008

8 more days....

well, day three of vacation hasn't been too bad, but JEB is sick. Yucky nose, yucky poops, coughing, breathing fast and heavy......sinus, I think, but its not gross green yet. Time will tell. So I must prepare myself for not much sleep tonight.....which is what the past two nights have become....not getting much sleep. Don't know what that's all about, but I'm quite tired of it already! Hopefully, we won't have to do the dr., but I may have too. Sometimes, he just needs a good 10-14 days of drugs to clean out his system.

I am getting those papers graded, slowly but surely and have been catching up on all of my DVR'd shows. I actually washed the rugs today! I was quite proud of myself.

Well, the sick child calls......

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