Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm here....really

Hello there friends and family who ck this blog only to find that I haven't written in a month.....but I'm here again. I'm terribly sorry for the over sight, but I have been extremely busy keeping up with all of my grading and such this last six weeks of school. Plus, since we are on the job hunt again, I've been filling out apps and sending out resumes' and going on interviews, which makes one extremely tired. PLUS, it is Stanley Cup Hockey season and my team, The Detroit Red Wings are still playing, so I've been watching that as well. Oh, and JEB has had two rounds of strep throat and now is going thru his third antibiotic with a sinus infection!! YIPPEE!!

I promise that I will seriously try to keep up with writing something down every couple of keep up with Mackenzie!

Love to you all,

1 comment:

Me said...

FINALLY!!! (hope JEB feels better)