Wednesday, August 8, 2007

hey everyone....

Hey there everyone. Whew....what a hectic three days this week has been! I've been running around like crazy at school.....talking to everyone and seeing what's been happening with them.

Our school numbers are better.....we are at 391 as of this morning, so we'll see what the number is in the morning. Hopefully closer to 400! My classroom is taking shape and I'm slowly cleaning out and purging last years stuff. BORING!

Not much really happening come on Monday next wk. The only bad thing is I'm exhausted when I come home....then to cook dinner, get JEB bathed and ready for bed and clean up after dinner and then try to relax a 8 pm, I'm out cold on the couch. Sad, huh??

Well, I'll write more later,

1 comment:

Me said...

We're still hoping those cut-outs will magically appear! LOL Oh, ok, I guess we can settle for real ones. But real ones are louder, cut-outs would be better!!