Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Here are some pics of JEB....

Here is JEB outside on the porch playing baseball. He's really into watching it on tv and then trying to imitate what they do. He's got quite a pitch and can hit ok. He loves swinging the bat!

Here are some cool fish sunglasses he got on a fieldtrip to the zoo. He looks too cute, huh??

Here is JEB hugging his new Shrek that he got for his birthday. He sleeps with him!

Here is the master of the house learning what "pottying" is all about......reading a good book!!

All is well here in Alabama....especially now that it has started raining. We are about 15 inches below our annual amt. which has put us on stage 3 drought conditions. The grass is actually starting to look green again!

John is at vball practice. This is the beginning of his season for this yr. He will go to a couple of day tournaments, then have summer camp next week. Then he'll start with practices on Aug. 1st and will be busy until the first part of November.

I'm about done with vacation. I'm ready to get back to school. I'm bored! I was always one of those kids that hated summer break because it just wasn't as exciting as all the stuff that was happening at school. Sick, huh??

Well, gotta run....I'll ck. in with everyone later. Feel free to leave comments and then I can know what you are doing!

Love to all of you,

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