Saturday, July 21, 2007

Vball has officially begun....

Well, John is off and running already.....he had a summer tourney on Thursday, ALL DAY, and he even didn't get home until almost midnight......then today, he's hosting a tourney at our school. His team is doing pretty good....they won three games on Thursday against some much larger schools. We are considered a 2A (small high school) and they were playing against 4A and 5A....and winning. That really will boost their confidence. His team last yr. wasn't horrible, but they didn't really play well during the season. They would do ok, but couldn't quite pull out all the stops to finish the game and win. His JV went now with quite a few of his JV on his Varsity team this yr., it should be a decent year. Especially if the other day was any indication at all of what the team can produce! It would be nice to have a winning season. The last few yrs. that John has coached, his teams have not had the ability to finish off the game with a win.

I'm so glad that I only have two more wks. of vacation. I'm bored. I enjoy running around and running errands and all the hub-bub that school affords. I'm anxious to meet my new students and see what sorts of personalities I will have in my classroom this year. Last year was ok, but I didn't always have the attitude that I needed to have with my students.....I can be nasty when I need to be. But I have decided that I don't want to be a child's NASTY 5th grade teacher. I had one.....I was awful. I have such an impact on these children. I'm praying that God will shine thru me to them and help me remember that I need to love them even when I'm disciplining them. I have to always remember they are just children....10 and 11 yrs. old.....not adults, or even teenagers. So with all of this in mind, I'm hoping to have a great yr. I also can't wait to see the kids from last year. The first few days of school are so much fun!

Talk to everyone later.....have a blessed day!


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