Sunday, October 28, 2007

JEB lost another tooth....

Well, it accident......JEB was playing on Friday afternoon on the back porch and he pulled his bball hoop over on himself and somehow got wedged between the post and the collapsed hoop, which knocked out his loose bottom tooth and knockedquite loose one of the top two teeth, plus he got a nice gash in his lip and ended up with a nice fat lip!! It definitely must be a BOY thing!

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday afternoon and had fun. We took John's team as a celebration of making it to the state playoffs. I thought it would be a different activity for them to do as a team. Rode the hay wagon to the patch and JEB picked out a pumpkin. The sunset was beautiful and it was a gorgeous evening to do it!! JEB gets a little crazy doing things like that because its out of his norm, but overall it was fun. I got my funnel cake and cotton candy, so I'm happy!! I don't know what it is about carnival kind of food that just makes me want to eat it all.........

This week will be hectic, but I'll let y'all know what's happening with the team and how they play.



June Cleaver in Sneakers said...

Only we would find pleasure with funnelcakes and cotton candy in a place where most people stock up on apples, pumpkins and cider! What a riot!! Hey, sugar trumps squash any ol' day.

Love you.

Me said...

Good for JEB!!! If you have seen my blog, you must know about Maddie. If you didn't see my blog, I'm hurt!!! LOL Happy Lost Tooth, JEB!!!

Me said...

DEBBIE!! You need a new blogger massage!! (or NBM as I call it) What is going on with you guys!! We need to know!!!

Me said...

Sorry, not massage. Message. Oops