Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's my baby boy's 8th birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JEB!! I can't actually believe that he's 8 today. Time goes by so fast! It seems like just last week he was a tiny thing, dressed in the cutest little Pooh clothes!! With little Pooh feet!!

Today, he woke up early and promptly decided that I should awaken with him and trot out to the living room. Usually when he does this, he proceeds to lay down on the couch, cuddle up to me and go back to sleep for another hour or so. Which irritates me, because I could've gotten a little more zzzzz's, but I at least get some quiet time. But does he do that this morning???? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! He was rarin' to go! So, I started telling him it was his birthday. He would try to repeat it, but it didn't really sound like "birthday", but I kept trying. Then when we were at lunch, he said birthday.....very plainly. And then promptly asked for a "cake"! He realized that a cake needs to come with the birthday. Obviously something he learned at school. Doesn't everyone have cupcakes with their birthday??? Which is good, because I decided to be little miss Suzy Homemaker and bake him a cake and decorate it....with SHREK deco.....and even bought an "8" candle for him to blow out and everything! So hopefully he'll remember that I baked him a cake for his eighth birthday.

We didn't really get him much......he's quite easy to accomodate. Crayons, coloring books.....WIGGLES DVD's, VEGGIE TALES, etc. Although we went to Toys R' Us the other evening and actually got him a bigger Magna-Doodle and huge hockey sticks and balls to hit around. He will love it! Another toy for us to play with on the screened back porch!! I had gotten a set of kids tennis rackets at CVS a while back, and he LOVES playing tennis on the porch! So the hockey sticks will fit right in! I know, what AM I thinking......but I figured it would be better than a set of DRUMS!

He's talking so much now. In fact, yesterday, he put on his shoes and got his traveling buddies, (Tiger, Tigger and Elephant) and told me he wanted to go to the store. So we did. He first wanted a coke....settled for Root Beer and then it was chicken. While he was nibbling on drumsticks, we went down the aisles and HE shopped. Chips, pullups, pizzas, and ice cream. Is he ever a boy, or what! Then home we went and he was tickled pink! and quite proud of himself!

It amazes me what he can do and what he knows and remembers. His vocabulary is becoming more together and he's talking in whole sentences and telling us what he wants. Things that regular children do's so neat to hear him do them. It makes you look at things much simpler.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! Thank you Jesus for such a wonderful gift! We love him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Birthday JEB!!! THE BIG 8!!

From: Auntie Robbie, Mackenzie and Maddie