Monday, June 16, 2008

well, I now have something to do!

Hey there friends and's now official, we are moving to Albany, GA. While this statement brings happiness that we both have a job, it also brings great sadness and grief that we must leave our home, church and friends here in Alabama. We both know that this is God at work and has a very specific design and reason for why HE wants us to be a part of the ministry at Sherwood. Both Jn and I are ok with moving, its just that we really like being where we are.....the house that is settled back into the woods of a dead end street and the people we rent from that live next door up a little hill are like family ( we keep their dog and cats and feed them!), the church we love being a part of (worship was awesome yesterday!), changing schools for JEB and getting all of that worked out, and of course, leaving the friends we've made these past three years!

Pray for us as we look for housing and try to get all of that stuff settled. Of course, this might be hard since we are trying to move in the next couple of weeks and be there so Jn can start on July 1st.

Well, at least I won't be bored for awhile!

Later....JEB has VBS this week! PRAISE GOD!!

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