Monday, November 10, 2008

JEB's name...

By the way, I was just re-reading some of my thoughts and decided for any of you who are new to my blog that I should probably tell you where we came up with JEB's name.

We joined our church last night and so many of the people who came thru the line and shook our hands and told us how happy they were for us to be a part of the Sherwood family, would shake his hand and say, 'What a cute name!' Actually, it was my husband's idea.....J for John - not just named after his daddy but after his great-grandpa, E - Ethan....a John Wayne character from a movie and it was better than Edward, and B - Benjamin, which John decided on after he was born and we found out he had Down Syndrome and I had gotten sick from the anesthesia at the beginning of my C-section AND I put my foot down about him having the name Beauregard!! One of our friends kindly reminded John that we weren't naming our new family dog! So it's John Ethan Benjamin (JEB) and he's never ever been anything but JEB!

Just thought you'd like to know!!

1 comment:

Susie Homemaker said...

Hi Debbie,

Thanks so much for visiting me, Robbie's the best isn't she? I love your blog...Looks like you got a Mackenzie redo too! She's so talented!Your little boy is absolutely adorable...not sure what the roll thingy is, but he made it look fun!
We need to get you a china teacup!

Warm Wishes for a beautiful evening,