Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday WAS NOT any better....

well, while JEB was totally better and on the mend, it seems that he passed it along to ME! I woke feeling very full and tummy=yucky and actually did ok for a couple of hours, then proceeded to toss my cookies! Oh yeah, loads of fun.....BUT it did make me feel much better. Slept on and off all day, was sick AGAIN a couple of times and now have the other, as well. Loads of fun! While now, 12 hrs. later, I feel better and have kept down some orange sherbert and SPRITE, I'm still weak and haven't really eaten anything today. AND Jn is starting to feel bad.....oh, yippee!! Hopefully by morning, it will have worked its way thru my house and things will get back to normal tomorrow!

So, how was everyone else's SATURDAY???? At least my Christmas tree is up! Did that yesterday!

Tell me some of your 'sick' day remedies.....

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